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10001 mob_10_002006 10 Plenty of 'em... 3
10002 mob_10_002003 10 Seems to be in order. 3
10003 mob_10_002023 10 Whatever happens to Mor Ardain, we still have to do our duty. 3
10004 mob_10_002026 10 I hope my folks back in Mor Ardain are OK. 3
10005 mob_10_002048 10 It's exactly at times like this where everyone needs to shape up and do their bit. 3
10006 mob_10_002041 10 Ah... What will become of Alrest in the end? 3
10007 mob_10_003005 10 Can't let Torna get any benefit out of this again... 3
10008 mob_10_003001 10 These Judician Titan weapons sure had some awesome powers... 3
10009 mob_10_003025 10 Looking good! I don't think the Urayans will know what's hit 'em! 3
10010 mob_10_003021 10 I hope we can get some decent use out of this Judician technology. 3
10011 mob_10_003045 10 Perhaps we'll be able to help some of our people with this Titan weapon. 3
10012 mob_10_003048 10 Can the Titan...the world even...survive? 3
10013 mob_10_001001 10 Listening to this stuff makes me tired... 3